flip the script

4- month signature coaching program working directly and privately with me.


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I give women just like you the power to TRANSFORM THEIR LIFE STORY -

From allowing past experiences, trauma, feelings of being a fraud and never being good enough to define and hold them back - to one of forgiveness, growth, and a life filled with self-love, unlimited joy, worthiness & financial success!

On the surface you look like you have it all together, but underneath you feel like it’s a constant struggle. 

You’re great at “pretending” you’re confident and in control, but you worry that people will discover you’re really a “fraud”. You know what you need to be successful, but the fear of being visible is paralyzing, so you miss out on opportunities. You want to make a change, but you aren't sure how or even where to start in confronting those self-sabotaging thoughts and beliefs so that you can move forward in your healing journey.

You know you need to make a change, but tell yourself that life is so busy that it's safer to stick with what you know even though it's painful and it is easier to put everything else before your happiness.

You are exhausted, burned out, and don’t know how to stop it.

Step Into the Extraordinary Life You Deserve

Feeling like you are not enough is at the heart of most of your issues, and it is feeding your fear of failure, fear of success, imposter syndrome, procrastination... and self-sabotage.

You are not alone!

Together we will go through deep self-exploration at both the conscious and subconscious levels to free you from fears and anxiety from trauma holding you back.

You will be able to create your most exceptional life, by putting the focus back on yourself, building up your confidence and self-esteem, releasing limiting beliefs, rising into your power and purpose, and remembering the superhero you are.

Your dream life is waiting…
Create the dream life you always wanted but never believed you could!

My lifetime of surviving multiple traumatic experiences, gives me a unique insight into what it's like to live life on autopilot, never feeling good enough, fearing failure and success, feeling like an imposter in my own skin.

No-one told me the key to true success and happiness wasn’t in someone else providing it for me, but in the act of putting myself and my needs first. I learned to see that self-awareness and being in control of my own mind is a necessary act of self-care and empowerment. So, my promise is to be here for you, sharing the skills, knowledge, and tools that enabled me to gain control of my mind and create a life that is more fulfilling and rewarding. 

Hi, I'm Rita!

meet your coach

Apply now to become your Superhero self!

Flip the Script Coaching Program

i'm ready!

Are you ready to...

Rewrite your life story and claim your superhero life?

Become more than you expected, or ever thought was possible?

Over the control the trauma patterns have had in your life?

Ready to show up, stand up, and speak up like never before?

Manifest the self-worth, love, career, and relationships you have always wanted?

Then my signature coaching program, CW2 Roadmap, is just what you need!

apply now

Feeling not enough is at the heart of most of our issues.

I work one-on-one with you to free you from fears and anxiety, build up your confidence and self-esteem, release limiting beliefs, and ultimately help you create a more fulfilling life.

Kind Words from Beautiful Clients

"This program has been enlightening, empowering, and affirming of both me and my life! I have learned to develop, listen to, and utilize my own voice. Instead of second guessing every detail about my life and worrying about what is next, the confidence and security has been instilled in me that, even if my path is winding, it will never end in failure."

- Deana C.

"I now have specific strategies for eliminating anxiety and overwhelm and reconnecting with trust in myself. I am more confident now and I have learned how to hold clear boundaries to make space for a rich, fulfilling life, consistently doing new things that light me up and make my heart sing."

- Morgan P.

"I was feeling so resentful, bitter and missing out on how much joy and meaning can come from everyday moments. Rita helped me commit to connecting with myself. I was able to dig deep and understand the negative patterns in my life and am taking action towards living a more meaningful life"

- Yolanda A.

Apply now to become your Superhero self!

My coaching spots fill up quickly as the number of women I accept is extremely exclusive. So, if you know in your gut that you are ready for guidance on making massive change to become your Superhero self-click the link below.

apply now

This program is for you if you:

You are an over-achieving woman.

You have experienced trauma and are ready to let go of old patterns that are holding you back.

Open to identifying the beliefs and behaviors that are holding you back.

Willing to take ownership in your healing process.

You’ve been dreaming of having support, clear guidance and accountability from someone who really gets you.

Is this for you?

Sound like you? Then let's do this!

Reclaim your confidence and find fulfillment in your life.

Discover your deeper life’s purpose and passion for life.

Work through past pain and trauma with me, so you can feel the joy and freedom you have dreamed of.

In working with me you will:

You will walk away with: 

Deep inside you is the woman that you know you were meant to be. Through self-actualization, mindset training, and hard work, you will walk away understanding who you are by facing your journey with an open heart and mind to create a new baseline for the rest of your life.

Becoming the happiest, healthiest, and most in love with yourself that you have ever been!

Apply now to become your Superhero self!

Flip the Script Coaching Program

i'm ready!